One-Way – Kulen Mountain to Siem Reap
This Liability Waiver and Release Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Kulen Eco Tours and/or Vision Cambodia ("Organization") and the undersigned participant ("Participant"). By signing this Agreement, Participant agrees to the following terms and conditions: 1. Acknowledgment of Risk 1.1 Participant acknowledges that the eco tours and activities provided by Kulen Eco Tours or Vision Cambodia may involve inherent risks, including but not limited to: • Physical activities such as hiking, cycling, swimming, or other outdoor activities. • Travel through undeveloped or remote areas that may present unforeseen dangers. • Interactions with wildlife and exposure to natural hazards (e.g., falling rocks, uneven terrain, extreme weather conditions). • Risk of illness or injury due to limited access to medical care. 1.2 Participant understands that traveling in a developing country, such as Cambodia, carries additional risks, including but not limited to: • Transportation accidents. • Sanitation issues or exposure to infectious diseases. • Political, social, or environmental instability. 1.3 Participant voluntarily assumes all risks associated with participation in activities provided by Kulen Eco Tours or Vision Cambodia. 2. Release of Liability 2.1 Participant, on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby releases, waives, and discharges Kulen Eco Tours or Vision Cambodia, its owners, employees, agents, representatives, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action arising from or related to: • Personal injury, illness, or death. • Damage to or loss of personal property. • Any other incident or accident occurring during or as a result of participation in the tour. 2.2 This release includes claims arising from the negligence of the Organization or any third party. 3. Assumption of Responsibility 3.1 Participant agrees to: • Follow all safety instructions provided by Kulen Eco Tours or Vision Cambodia staff. • Use equipment responsibly and inform the Organization of any health or mobility issues that may impact their participation. • Be responsible for their own actions and decisions during the tour. 3.2 Participant understands and agrees that they are solely responsible for obtaining appropriate travel insurance to cover potential medical emergencies, evacuation, and other related risks. 4. Indemnification Participant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Kulen Eco Tours or
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